- Peter Capaldi (The Doctor)
- Jenna Coleman (Clara Oswald)
- Neve McIntosh (Madam Vastra)
- Dan Starkey (Strax)
- Catrin Stewart (Jenny)
- Peter Ferdinando (Half-Face Man)
- Paul Hickey (Inspector Gregson)
- Tony Way (Alf)
- Maggie Service (Elsie)
- Brian Miller (Barney)
- Ellis George (Courtney)
- Mark Kempner (cabbie)
- Graham Duff (waiter)
- Peter Hannah (policeman)
- Paul Kasey (footman)
- Michelle Gomez (Missy)
London, the late 19th Century: police hold back the crowds while Inspector Gregson consults with Madam Vastra on the appearance of a dinosaur in the Thames. Vastra is more concerned that the dinosaur appears to be choking rather than its presence. Jenny checks her scanning device and is able to confirm Vastra's statement. As the day comes to an end, Vastra, Jenny and Strax are also tasked with assisting the newly regenerated Doctor. The main task appears to be to persuade him to sleep. People are wandering around the streets of London speculating on the dinosaur: Alf is convinced that it is all some kind of trick - he has good eyesight. A nearby man is very pleased about this information. When Alf remarks that his eyes are a gift, the mysterious man states that he accepts the gift and turns his face...and Alf is horrified to see that the man only has half a face.   
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- Peter Capaldi (The Doctor)
- Jenna Coleman (Clara Oswald)
- Samuel Anderson (Danny Pink)
- Zawe Ashton (Journey Blue)
- Michael Smiley (Col. Morgan Blue)
- Laura Dos Santos (Gretchen)
- Ben Crompton (Ross)
- Bradley Ford (Fleming)
- Nigel Betts (Mr Armitage)
- Ellis George (Courtney)
- Michelle Morris (school secretary)
- Barnaby Edwards (Dalek)
- Nicholas Briggs (Dalek voices)
- Michelle Gomez (Missy)
Journey Blue is broadcasting an emergency signal to the Aristotle: her ship has taken heavy damage and her brother is seriously hurt; the enemy ship is right on top of her - it looks as if she will not be able to make it back. As the Dalek ship fires again and again, Blue apologises to her brother and prepares to die... The crew of Aristotle greet a mysterious new arrival: the Doctor. Noting the medical insignia the Doctor realises that the Aristotle is a hospital. However, Colonel Blue greets the Doctor with the statement that there is no need for hospitals - the Daleks don't leave survivors. As to the human crew - they don't take any prisoners. The location of the Aristotle must remain secret, so the Doctor must die. He might be allowed to live though provided he treats a patient. En route to the patient the Doctor admires one particular item of medical apparatus, the nano-scaler, which is used to miniaturise a medical team and send them inside the patient. The Doctor is not too happy when he is faced with his patient: a Dalek.   
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- Peter Capaldi (The Doctor)
- Jenna Coleman (Clara Oswald)
- Tom Riley (Robin)
- Roger Ashton-Griffiths (Quayle)
- Ben Miller (The Sheriff)
- Ian Hallard (Alan-a-Dale)
- Trevor Cooper (Frair Tuck)
- Rusty Goffe (Little John)
- Joseph Kennedy (Will Scarlett)
- Adam Jones (Walter)
- Sabrina Bartlett (Quayle's ward)
- David Benson (herald)
- David Langham (guard)
- Tim Baggaley (knight)
- Richard Elfyn (voice of the knights)
The Doctor asks Clara where she would like to go: anywhere in time and space. There is someone she has always wanted to meet, but Clara knows that the Doctor will refuse, that he will say that "he's made up, there's no such thing." Clara then reveals that since childhood she has loved the story of Robin Hood: she wants to meet him. The Doctor remarks "Robin Hood: the rogue outlaw; he robs from the rich and gives to the poor. He's made up, there's no such thing." His cynicism about old fashioned heroes and his attempts to interest Clara in other wonders of the universe do not dissaude her. So the Dooctor sets course for Earth, England, Sherwood Forest, 1190 AD -ish. Emerging from the TARDIS the Doctor takes in the forest scenery and informs Clara that there no damsels in distress, no pretty castles and no such thing as Robin Hood. In reply, an arrow is shot out of the woods and hits the TARDIS. "You called?" shouts...Robin Hood.   
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