The Woman Who Fell to Earth
- Jodie Whitaker (The Doctor)
- Bradley Walsh (Graham O'Brien)
- Mandip Gill (Yasmin Khan)
- Tosin Cole (Ryan Sinclair)
- Sharon D Clarke (Grace)
- Samuel Oatley ("Tim Shaw")
- Jonny Dixon (Karl)
- Amit Shah (Rahul)
- Asha Kinglsey (Sonia)
- Janine Mellor (Janey)
- Asif Khan (Ramesh Sunder)
- James Thackeray (Andy)
- Philip Abiodun (Dean)
- Stephen McKenna (Dennis)
- Everal A Walsh (Gabriel)
| Later in the day, after posting a vlog Ryan Sinclair is outdoors with his bicycle trying to ride it. Despite encouragment from his grandmother, Grace, and his stepgrandfather, Graham, Ryan's own self doubt, coupled with previous failures only serves to bring his attempt to a quick end. Enraged, Ryan picks up his bike and throws it off the hill into the trees below. Grace tries to reassure Ryan but Graham reminds her that their train is due in 20 minutes - so Ryan will have to go down and retrieve his bike by himself. When Ryan does find his bike he finds something else, a strange glowing symbol hanging in the air. As he reaches for it, the symbol responds and shortly after a strange object, like a giant plant bulb appears on the ground. After he gets a cold burn touching it Ryan decides this is something best left to the police. For PC Yasmin "Yaz" Khan, the day is routine until so she asks if she can be assigned to something less routine. Sent to look into the report of a strange object in the forest, Yaz encounters Ryan and it transpires they attended the same school not that long ago. Believing it to be some kind of prank he is pulling, Yaz advises him to move it before it gets dark. Grace and Graham are on the train, heading home. Something crashes into the train bringing it to a halt. Most of the passengers manage to get out but the compartment Grace, Graham and another man are in is locked. They can also see some strange, sinister looking ball of energy moving along the aisle in their direction. Then something else crashes through the roof of the train.
The Ghost Monument
- Jodie Whitaker (The Doctor)
- Bradley Walsh (Graham O'Brien)
- Mandip Gill (Yasmin Khan)
- Tosin Cole (Ryan Sinclair)
- Shaun Dooley (Epzo)
- Susan Lynch (Angstrom)
- Art Malik (Ilin)
- Ian Gelder (voice of the Remnants)
| Graham and Ryan are rescued by Angstrom, but when questioned about the Doctor and Yaz she states that she only spotted two people. Nor is there any point in turning back as too much time has elapsed for them to have survived. The best thing to do is to buckle up and prepare to land on the final planet. The Doctor and Yaz have also been picked up, by Epzo. He is not only worried about equipment failures but also the fact that the final planet was not were it was supposed to be. Without enough fuel though, they might not make it to the planet, sometimes known as Desolation. The Doctor suggests jettisoning the rear portion of the ship, as its their only chance to making it. Crashing on Desolation, the Doctor Yaz and Epzo meet up with Angstrom, Graham and Ryan. It transpires that Epzo and Angstrom are the last two participants in a race and Desolation is the final planet in the competition. The final task is to locate the Ghost Monument...
- Jodie Whitaker (The Doctor)
- Bradley Walsh (Graham O'Brien)
- Mandip Gill (Yasmin Khan)
- Tosin Cole (Ryan Sinclair)
- Vinette Robinson (Rosa Parkes)
- Joshua Bowman (Krasko)
- Trevor White (James Blake)
- Richard Lothian (Mr Steele)
- Gareth Marks (Police Officer Mason)
- David Rubin (Raymond Parks)
- Ray Sesay (Martin Luther King)
- Aki Omoshaybi (Fred Gray)
- David Dukas (Elias Griffin Jr.)
- Morgan Deare (Arthur)
- Jessica Claire Preddy (waitress)
| Montgomery, Alabama 1943 and Rosa Parkes is waiting for the bus home. Paying her fare she begins to move towards the rear of the bus only for the driver to tell her that she cannot go that way. As a coloured person she must exit the bus and use the rear door to get back on. Rosa tried to stand her ground but the driver gets angry and then tries to take her off the bus. When Rosa finally gets off the bus, she moves towards the rear door only for the driver to close it and then drive of without letting her back on. 1995, the TARDIS materialises in an alley. The Doctor suggests that the TARDIS has brought them there rather than present day Sheffield, but she will get them there...eventually. Graham wonders if they can visit Elvis but as the Doctor boasts of having his number, the TARDIS registers a trace of Artron energy. Somewhere in Montgomery Alabama is another time traveller.
Arachnids in the UK
- Jodie Whitaker (The Doctor)
- Bradley Walsh (Graham O'Brien)
- Mandip Gill (Yasmin Khan)
- Tosin Cole (Ryan Sinclair)
- Chris Noth (Robertson)
- Shobna Gulati (Najia Khan)
- Tanya Fear (Dr Jade McIntyre)
- Ravin J Ganatra (Hakim Khan)
- Bhavanisha Parmar (Sonya Khan)
- Jaleh Alp (Frankie Elish)
- William Meredith (Kevin)
| Robertson's day begins with the discovery that there is still a problem to resolve before his new hotel can open. Najia Khan enters the hotel, to familiarise herself with the layout before she starts as manager. However, Robertson is not in a good mood so fires her staright away and then informs his neice's wife to sort things out within the hour. The TARDIS materialises in Sheffield, home for Yaz, Ryan and Graham. To all intents and purposes, the journey has come to an end: they have landed near Yaz's flat, while Graham and Ryan live not too far away. As to the Doctor, she will continjue on her travels, seeing what the universe has on offer, alone. Yaz invites the Doctor to tea, an offer she quickly accepts. The invite is extended to Ryan, who accepts, and Graham who states he wants to check out his home. Perhaps he will join them later. The Doctor and Graham meet Taz's family: her father picks up rubbish, evidence of a conspiracy he says. The Doctor picks up a dare showing that a parcel has been left with a neighbour. Offering to pick it up, the Doctor then notices a worried woman outside the flat trying to contact her colleague, the tenant of the flat. What they find inside soon connects to Robertson's new hotel and the trouble appears to be spiders.
The Tsuranga Conundrum
- Jodie Whitaker (The Doctor)
- Bradley Walsh (Graham O'Brien)
- Mandip Gill (Yasmin Khan)
- Tosin Cole (Ryan Sinclair)
- Suzanne Packer (Eve Cicero)
- Ben Bailey Smith (Durkas Cicero)
- Brett Goldstein (Astos)
- Lois Chimimba (Mabli)
- David Shields (Ronan)
- Jack Shalloo (Yoss Inkl)
| During a search in a junkpile, the Doctor and her friends stumble across a sonic mine. They are caught in the blast. They are recovered, taken to a hospital, their injuries assessed, treatment begun but the Doctor is concerned about returning to the TARDIS. Trying to find the exit, the travellers encounter the famed General Eve Cicero, with her brother Durkas and her consort android, Roan; they meet Yoss whose pregnancy has reach full term; and then realise that the hospital is a ship, four days out from the junk planet where the TARDIS is. The Doctor comes to terms with the fact that the ship is automated and not only must she avoid trying to change its course she must also take into account the other patients on board who are on their way for treatment. However, the Doctor discovers that the ship has detoured through a disputed zone and although the ship is approaching undisputed territory, something is heading towards the ship. It impacts, breaches the hull and invades the ship.
Demons of the Punjab
- Jodie Whitaker (The Doctor)
- Bradley Walsh (Graham O'Brien)
- Mandip Gill (Yasmin Khan)
- Tosin Cole (Ryan Sinclair)
- Leena Dhingra (Nani Umbreen)
- Shane Zaza (Prem)
- Amita Suman (Umbreen)
- Hamza Jeetooa (Marish)
- Shaheen Khan (Hasna)
- Shobna Gulati (Najia Khan)
- Ravin J Ganatra (Hakim Khan)
- Bhavanisha Parmar (Sonya Khan)
- Nathalie Cuzner (Kisar)
- Barbara Fadden (Almak)
- Emma Fieling (voice of Kisar)
- Isobel Middleton (voice of Almak)
| While celebrating her nani's birthday, Yaz is informed that she was the first woman married in Pakistan. Her nani hands out some of her mementoes: to Yaz she presents a broken watch. It should not be repaired and nani is not prepared to tell the story behind the watch, at least not yet. Yaz is intrigued enough to ask the Doctor if they can travel back to see her nani when she was a young woman. After a short debate the Doctor agrees and links the watch to the TARDIS' telepathic circuits to ensure they will arrive at the right place and time. The Doctor reminds them that they will be there for one hour only and no interfering. After arriving, the travellers set off but then the Doctor experiences some kind of attack on her mind. As she recovers, the travellers meet Prem, a man on his way to a farm to see the very woman they have come to find. When Yaz discovers that they have arrived on the eve of the wedding and that Prem is the groom she is suprised - as Prem is not her grandfather. Although the Doctor wants them to leave, Yaz now wants to uncover the mystery of who Prem is and who her grandfather is. And what connection there is to the onset of partition when Pakistan and India are created and strange demons in the forest around the farm.
- Jodie Whitaker (The Doctor)
- Bradley Walsh (Graham O'Brien)
- Mandip Gill (Yasmin Khan)
- Tosin Cole (Ryan Sinclair)
- Julie Hesmondhalgh (Judy Maddox)
- Lee Mack (Dan Cooper)
- Callum Dixon (Jarva Slade)
- Claudia Jessie (Kira Arlo)
- Leo Flanagan (Charlie Duffy)
- Matthew Gravelle (voice of Kerblam)
| The Doctor is trying to avoid something pursuing them, until she realises that it is a delivery. Allowing the postman to materialise and deliver his parcel, for the Doctor, she tries to remember when she ordered it and what she ordered. The delivery is a fez ("still me?" she asks her travelling companions) but inside the box is a note on which is written "Help Me". Ryan has worked in a similar delivery firm and knows that sometimes workers prank around. However, what if its real and someone is asking for help? It can't hurt to check, so the course is set for the moon which is the Kerb!am warehouse. To begin with the travellers decide to go undercover, signing up as new workers. After an assessment, the travellers are assigned to their work duties, to join the 10,000 other human workers. The Doctor is eager to go to packing but she has not been assigned to that. Graham has so she swaps tags: resulting in him going to maintenance ie mopping floors. The Doctor and Yaz head on to packing: the most likely place to find the author of the "help me" message.
The Witchfinders
- Jodie Whitaker (The Doctor)
- Bradley Walsh (Graham O'Brien)
- Mandip Gill (Yasmin Khan)
- Tosin Cole (Ryan Sinclair)
- Siobhan Finneran (Becka Savage)
- Alan Cumming (King James I)
- Tilly Steele (Willa Twiston)
- Tricia Kelly (Old Mother Twiston)
- Arthur Kay (Smithy)
- Stavros Demetraki (Alfonso)
| The Doctor has promised to take her companions to the coronation of Elizabeth the first. However, it soon becomes clear they have arrived in a different place and time. A crier announces that Mistress Savage demands the attendance of everyone at a ceremony. The Doctor, Ryan, Graham and Yaz join the villagers as they congregate at a river to witness a witch trial. Among the witnesses is the "witch's" granddaughter. Moved, the Doctor dives in to rescue the woman but she is too late and the woman is dead. Using her psychic paper the Doctor takes on the role of the witchfinder general. Mistress Savage is the landowner and she is trying to keep her people safe. There is a witch trial every week, as per King James' bible - "that shalt not suffer a witch to live." The Doctor counters with the sequel to the old Testament, "Love Thy Neighbour" and just as she states that this is what King James would want, the King enters the room. He has been travelling incognito, to oversee the work of the finding of witches.
It Takes You Away
- Jodie Whitaker (The Doctor)
- Bradley Walsh (Graham O'Brien)
- Mandip Gill (Yasmin Khan)
- Tosin Cole (Ryan Sinclair)
- Eleanor Wallwork (Hanne)
- Kevin Eldon (Ribbons)
- Sharon D Clarke (Grace)
- Christian Rubeck (Erik)
- Lisa Stokke (Trine)
| Arriving in Norway, the travellers are admiring the scenery. A cottage is spotted in the distance but the Doctor notes that there is no smoke from the chimney, despite the season. Investigating, they find all the windows and doors boarded up. At first the place appears abandoned but Ryan notices someone inside. Finding an entrance not boarded up, they enter the cottage. A search uncovers a girl, hiding from a thing. The girl, Hanne, is blind so all she knows is that her father went out to find this thing and has not returned. Hanne suspects that the thing has taken her father away. Ryan is of the opinion that Hanne's father has run off, leaving her behind. Her mother is dead so she is now alone. A check of the time tells her that they should get indoors and soon the thing will come. Yaz and Ryan check out a shed and find lots of animal traps. A noise sends them back to the cottage and soon the travellers take refuge from whatever is approaching. Looking around, Graham finds a mirror in the father's room which does not show his reflection. The Doctor scans the mirror and realises it is a portal.
The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
- Jodie Whitaker (The Doctor)
- Bradley Walsh (Graham O'Brien)
- Mandip Gill (Yasmin Khan)
- Tosin Cole (Ryan Sinclair)
- Phyllis Logan (Andinio)
- Mark Addy (Paltraki)
- Percelle Ascot (Delph)
- Samuel Oatley ("Tim Shaw")
| Andinio and Delph have finally arrived at the place, the end of their journey. Delph has doubts: Andinio assures him, advises him to trust himself. He begins to build and then something arrives. Andinio tells him to stop and they turn to face the new arrival. 3,407 years later, the Doctor is monitoring distress calls from the same area of the same planet. The TARDIS is also detecting pyschotropic waves which will interfere with their brains. Providing them with protective inhibitors the Doctor takes them to one of the ships sending a distress signal. The ship appears deserted until a man appears, holding a gun on them. As the Doctor talks him down, the man struggles to remember where the rest of his crew is. Providing him with an inhibitor, the man begins to remember - he is Commander Paltraki. An incoming signal commands him to return what he has taken to the creator. The creator's voice sounds familiar to the Doctor and her companions. Could it be the same "Tim Shaw" they have met before? The creator is holding Paltraki's crew hostage, and as a demonstration he kills one - if Paltraki wants to save the remaining two he must return what he has taken. The Doctor will help, but she is concerned that Graham wants to avenge himself against "Tim Shaw".