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- Season 1, Story 1
- 4 episodes (individual titles, run times and UK airdates given below)
- An Unearthly Child (23:17) - Saturday 23 November 1963
- The Cave of Skulls (24:32) - Saturday 30 November 1963
- The Forest of Fear (23:34) - Saturday 7 December 1963
- The Firemaker (24:21) - Saturday 14 December 1963
- Author - Anthony Coburn
- Producer - Verity Lambert
- Director - Waris Hussein
- William Hartnell (The Doctor)
- William Russell (Ian Chesterton)
- Jacqueline Hill (Barbara Wright)
- Carole Ann Ford (Susan)
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The picture quality is excellent. The BBC Restoration Team have also used the VidFIRE process to restore the print to how it would have looked on original broadcast.
The sound quality is excellent.
95% for its sound and picture quality.
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- (An Unearthly Child) The Pilot Episode (25:06)
This can be found either by selecting the PLAY ALL option or from the Episode Selection. This is the untransmitted version of the first episode.
- (An Unearthly Child) The Pilot Episode Studio Recording (35:37)
An unedited recording of the studio sessions for the untransmitted Pilot episode - includes retakes.
- Theme Music Video (2:37)
The original theme set to shots made for the opening titles and TARDIS travel scenes. There are 3 versions: Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround; Dolby Digital 2.0; or Mono
- Comedy Sketches
The Pitch of Fear (3:44) - The League of Gentlemen sketch originally shown as part of BBC2's Doctor Who Night in 1999 - a skit of Sydney Newman's pitch for a new series.
The Corridor Sketch (5:53) - The Reeltime team sketch about the recording of the Pilot Episode for a new Science Fiction TV show...
The Web of Caves (3:50) - The League of Gentlemen sketch originally shown as part of BBC2's Doctor Who Night in 1999 - Mark Gatiss portrays the Doctor in this skit, who receives two visitors who would like to be his arch enemies
The Kidnappers (3:39) - The League of Gentlemen sketch originally shown as part of BBC2's Doctor Who Night in 1999 - in which two fans kidnap Peter Davison.
- Gallery (6:00)
A selection of stills showing scenes and props from the story plus behind the scenes images. There are also a few stills of Behind the Scenes of the DVD Commentary
- Audio Option: Commentary William Russell, Carole Ann Ford, Verity Lambert and Waris Hussein
This allows the viewer to turn the audio commentary on or off - the commentary is only for The Pilot Episode Studio Recording, An Unearthly Child and The Firemaker
- Information Text
This enables the viewer to turn on/off information text which is displayed during video playback of the story.
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Barbara Wright, history teacher at Coal Hill School consults science teacher Ian Chesterton about a problem pupil - Susan Foreman. Finding that they share concerns about both Susan's knowledge and welfare, the two teachers go to the junkyward which has been given as her home address. When Susan arrives and enters the junkyard the teachers follow her in - only to find that the girl has disappeared. Their search of the junkyard reveals nothing until they find a Police Box, humming with power. A cough disturbs them and they hide as an old man enters. As the man approaches the Police Box, Susan calls out to him and the teachers emerge from hiding. Concerned that Susan may be trapped inside the box, Ian and Barbara try to convince the old man to open the door and let them see inside, however, the old man is just as determined to stop them.
What the two school teachers find beyond the doors of the Police Box is something beyond their imagination and it is not long before they, Susan and the old man (the mysterious Doctor) must join together in a struggle for survival in the Stone Age...
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(d) D.S.Carlin
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