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- Season 21, Story 6
- 4 episodes (run times and UK airdates shown below)
- (24:23) - Thursday 8 March 1984
- (25:02) - Friday 9 March 1984
- (24:37) - Thursday 15 March 1984
- (25:40) - Friday 16 March 1984
- Author - Robert Holmes
- Producer - John Nathan-Turner
- Director - Graeme Harper
- Peter Davison (The Doctor)
- Nicola Bryant (Peri (Perpugilliam) Brown)
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The sound quality is excellent. The Picture quality is generally excellent, some minor video noise but nothing distracting. Overall - excellent.
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- Behind the Scene: The Regeneration (7:38)
Footage of the recording of the regeneration scene
- Original Opening Scene
The option to watch Episode 1 of The Caves of Androzani as it was on its original broadcast and video release. The opening matt shot had a wobble to it (the wobble is corrected for the default version of the DVD playback).
- Extended Scene 2:29)
A longer version of the Episode 2 scene when Krelper confronts Stotz.
- Creating Sharaz Jek (5:05)
Behind the scenes of The Caves of Androzani, focusing on Sharaz Jek with audio narration by Christopher Gable (Sharaz Jek).
- BBC 1 Trailer (0:33)
BBC 1 trailer, screened Wednesday 7 March 1984, for The Caves of Androzani
- Audio Options: Commentary - Peter Davison, Nicola Bryant & Graeme Harper
The option to turn on or off audio commentary during video playback.
- Audio Options: Isolated Music
The option to turn on or off, Roger Limb's score only during video playback.
- BBC One O'clock News - 28 July 1983 (0:24)
Short announcement that Peter Davison is leaving the series.
- BBC Nine O'clock News - 28 July 1983 (1:23)
Feature on Peter Davison's decision to leave the series. Features an interview with Peter Davison.
- South East at Six - 29 July 1983 (3:38)
Feature on Peter Davison's decision to leave the series. Features an interview with Peter Davison & John Nathan-Turner
- Information Text
The option to turn on or off story information displayed during video playback.
- Photo Gallery
A series of stills from The Caves of Androzani.
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The Doctor and Peri arrive on the second of the twin world of Androzani Major and Androzani Minor. Minor does not seem to have much on offer - lots of sand and some caves. Or blowholes, as the Doctor explains, for the molten mud which spews up whenever the two worlds move close to one another. Investigating the caves the two travellers come into contact with a ball of some sticky, stinging substance. Further along they come across a weapons dump - which turns out to be a supply left by a group of gun runners. A small group of soldiers arrive and arrest the Doctor and Peri. Accused of gun running they are sentenced to death by firing squad.
The real gun runners take out another patrol of soldiers and then get rid of the weapons. Now they must meet up with Sharaz Jek, a scientist hiding in the caves, and also the man controlling the supply of Spectrox. Spectrox is a wonderful boon, in a refined form it extends life, in its raw form (a sticking, stinging substance) it is higly dangerous - anyone touching it will be dead with 48 hours...
The Doctor and Peri must elude the military, the gun runners and Sharaz Jek and hope that they can find a cure to Spectrox Toxemia (caused by coming into contact with raw Spectrox), but time is running out.
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(d) D.S.Carlin
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