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Picture quality - 100%: there are the inevitable moments when there is picture interference caused by the detonation of squibs when guns were fired on screen. This does not distract from the quality of the picture and is simply a fact of the technology of the time and no amount of current imaging technology is going to remove something that happened when something was recorded.
Sound quality - 99%: there is a slight distortion when Davros is speaking at the start of episode 5. Again, this is something that does not distract from the production. Its a simple fact that its not always possible to correct every fault on the original tapes.
Overall - excellent work AGAIN form the Restoration Team.
DISC ONE (Main Feature)
DISC TWO (Extras only)
The Doctor and his companions are intercepted, in transit, by the Time Lords. At first the Doctor is annoyed at this interruption of their journey, but the Time Lord messenger utters a single word - "Daleks". The Time Lords have brought the three travellers to Skaro, home planet of the Daleks, at a time when the war between the Kaleds and the Thals is reaching a new turning point. Somewhere, someone is working on a way to take the Kaled race in a new direction - the creation of the Daleks. The Time Lords have forseen a future in which the Daleks will become the dominant life form in the universe. The Doctor has been assigned to stop or affect the genesis of the Daleks.
Accepting the assignment, the Doctor leads his companions across the surface of Skaro until they are forced to take shelter from a barrage. The Doctor and Harry are brought inside a bunker next to the frontline, while Sarah is left behind, presumed dead. Inside the bunker, they learn that the war between the Kaleds and the Thals has been going on for centuries. All hope that the war will come to an end, with a victory for the Kaleds, has been pinned on the brilliance of their chief scientist - Davros. The Doctor and Harry soon witness the unveiling of Davros' new creation, his new hope for the future of the Kaled race - a Dalek.
Sarah, slightly injured, stumbles across the war-torn wastelands and encounters a group of Mutos, survivors of the war who have found themselves ostracised by both sides. However, they are captured by the Thals who use them in the construction of a rocket - their final weapon in the battle which they believe will lead the Thals to victory.
With each side firmly convinced that they will win, can the Doctor and his companions escape? Will they get the chance to carry out the Time Lords' mission? Or will the Daleks rise from the ashes of Skaro to become the dominant life form of the universe?
(d) D.S.Carlin