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- Season 6, Story 3
- 8 episodes (run times and UK airdates shown below)
- (23:43) - Saturday 2 November 1968
- (24:17) - Saturday 9 November 1968
- (23:46) - Saturday 16 November 1968
- (23:16) - Saturday 23 November 1968
- (23:26) - Saturday 30 November 1968
- (23:21) - Saturday 7 December 1968
- (24:26) - Saturday 14 December 1968
- (23:59) - Saturday 21 December 1968
- Author - Derrick Sherwin, from a story by Kit Pedler
- Producer - Peter Bryant
- Director - Douglas Camfield
- Patrick Troughton (The Doctor)
- Fraser Hines (Jamie)
- Wendy Padbury (Zoë Herriot)
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The picture quality of the original episodes is generally excellent, perhaps some very minor video noise but nothing to spoil the viewing pleasure. The two recreated episodes are very good although it is interesting to note that the opening scenes of the animated recreation of episode 4 are darker than the closing scenes of the original episode 3. It does not detract from the viewing pleasure, but simply adds an interesting variaition on the same scene. The sound quality is excellent, although there is a slight loss of sound quality at the start of part 4 - again, there is nothing that detracts from the viewing experience.
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DISC ONE Episodes One to Four, plus a few features
- Flash Frames (11:27)
A documentary about Cosgrove Hall's animated recreation of the missing two episodes of The Invasion
- Love Off-Air (15:17)
This documentary explores the off-air audio recordings of TV episodes - how fans enjoyed listening to old broadcasts time and again in the days before domestic video recording was readily available. Such recordings have ensured that a lot of the lost television episodes of Doctor Who exist in some form and, in instances such as The Invasion provide a means of assisting in the recreating of lost episodes.
- Animation Trailers (1:08)
Two trailers for the DVD release of The Invasion highlighting the animated recreation of its lost episodes.
- Character Design (2:51)
A featurette on the animation designs, epecially recreations of the cast.
- Commentary: Frazer Hines, Wendy Padbury, ?
The option to turn on or off audio commentary during video playback
- Information Text
The option to turn on or off story information displayed during video playback.
DISC TWO Episodes Five to Eight, plus a few features
- Evolution of the Invasion (50:25)
A quick study of the Patrick Troughton era of Doctor Who followed by the notion behind The Invasion, a look at the making of The Invasion and finally concluding how this story was to set the groundwork for the Jon Pertwee era.
- 1993 VHS Links (2:59)
These are the original links from the 1993 VHS release of The Invasion where Nicholas Courtney read a short introduction to his Doctor Who characters and to the lost episodes. Unlike the DVD, these links provide almost no information in respect of the lost episodes, effectively alienating anyone who does not know what happens in Episodes One and Four!
- Photo Gallery (7:22)
A selection of black and white and colour stills from The Invasion, behind the scenes of The Invasion and behind the scenes of the DVD commentary.
- Commentary: Frazer Hines, Wendy Padbury, ?
The option to turn on or off audio commentary during video playback
- Information Text
The option to turn on or off story information displayed during video playback.
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Escaping the Land of Fiction, the travellers find themselves back on board the recovered TARDIS. There is no opportunity for rest, however, as they find that the TARDIS has materialised just above the dark side of the Earth's Moon. A missile is launched at the TARDIS but the Doctor is able to move the ship on to Earth. His immediate concern is to repair some of the damaged circuits: indications are that they have arrived on Earth of the latter half of the twentieth century - the travellers might be able to obtain the assistance of Professor Travers.
When The Doctor and his companions hitch a lift with a truck driver they are surprised to learn that he is afraid for both them and his own life. The road is within the boundaries of a region owned by a powerful organisation known as International Electromatix (IE). The driver drops the travellers off outside the boundary fence and they find their way on to London and to the flat beloning to Professor Travers. They meet Isobel Watkins, neice of Professor Watkins who is renting the flat from Travers. Watkins has not been seen for some time - in fact, not since he started work for IE...
The Doctor's investigation into the mysterious company brings him into contact with another old friend - Lethbridge-Stewart, now Brigadier. With the help of the Brigadier and his special taskforce team, the Doctor tries to find out what IE are up to. Intrigued by Tobias Vaughan, the director of IE, the Doctor soon discovers that he may need the help of UNIT to defeat an impeding invasion of Earth by an old foe...
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(d) D.S.Carlin
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