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It is Donna's big day. Her family and friends are gathered at the church, ready for her wedding to Lance. Who would have believed that six months previously she had been a temp at an office filled with people she regarded as too snobbish to know? Who would have believed that her boss would have offered to make her a cup of coffee? And who could possibly have believed that she was now walking down the aisle to marry that same man?
Of course, disbelief at any of those is soon eclipsed when Donna walks down the aisle but before she reaches the altar some force snatches her and she finds herself standing inside a strange room with a strange man? Obviously this is some prank dreamed up by Nerys, determined to prevent Donna and Lance from getting married. Except, that outside the doors of this strange room is the vastness of interstellar space.
The Doctor tries to help Donna return to Earth, to reunite her with her family and friends. He cannot take her back in time to the moment she was taken away from her wedding. Just when it seems that the matter has been resolved the Doctor watches in horror as Donna gets into a taxi driven by a robot Santa. Now he must rescue Donna and solve the mystery of the force that brought her to the TARDIS and which seems to have employed the robot Santas.
(d) D.S.Carlin