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- Season 25, Story 1
- 4 episodes (run times and UK airdates shown below)
- (?) - Monday 5 October 1988
- (?) - Monday 12 October 1988
- (?) - Monday 19 October 1988
- (?) - Monday 26 October 1988
- Author - Ben Aaronovitch
- Producer - John Nathan-Turner
- Director - Andrew Morgan
- Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor)
- Sophie Aldred (Ace)
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100% Once again, the BBC Restoration Team have done a good job - excellent picture quality and excellent sound quality. On the downside - at least one special effect disappeared during the remastering process; and Keff McCulloch's poor score makes up one of the extras.
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- Extended and Deleted Scenes (10:25)
Extended versions of existing scenes and deleted scenes
- BBC 1 Trailer - Episode One (0:35)
BBC 1's autumn season trailer for episode 1 of Remembrance of the Daleks.
- BBC 1 Trailer - Episode Two (0:34)
12 October BBC 1 trailer for episode 2 of Remembrance of the Daleks.
- Audio Options: Commentary - Sylvester McCoy & Sophie Aldred
The option to turn on or off the audio commentary during video playback.
- Audio Options: Isolated Music
The option to turn on or off Keff McCullouch's score only during video playback.
- Alternative Angles
3 versions each of two scenes: 2 shots of the same scene from different angles plus a third, final cut. You can view the shots individually or select the PLAY ALL option to watch them in one go.
- Out-takes Compilation (4:08)
As stated - a selection of out-takes from Remembrance of the Daleks.
- Information Text
The option to turn on or off story information displayed during video playback.
- Photo Gallery
A selection of stills from Remembrance of the Daleks.
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Coal Hill School, Shoreditch, London - 1963: two school teachers, concerned about one of their pupils, follow her homt to 76 Totters Lane - a junkyard. In the junkyard they find an old police box which they gain entry to. Inside they find a ship capable of travelling through time and space. The ship's "owner", the mysterious Doctor, fearing that others may come makes a hasty departure. Now the Doctor has returned, with his new companion, Ace. When he made his hasty departure, the Doctor left a Time Lord artefact behind. Now his old foes, the Daleks have also come to Earth in search of that artefact. The Hand of Omega is a stellar manipulator which allows anyone who controls it the ability to re-engineer stars and travel through time.
However, there are two factions of Daleks on Earth, both seeking the Hand of Omega. The battleground for the artefact is to be London 1963 and the Doctor must ensure that as few people as possible become casualties in the conflict. Matters are complicated as there are humans in the employ of the Daleks, even if they don't know it.
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(d) D.S.Carlin
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