
Just as their had been a long gap between one appearance of the Cybermen and the next, so the Daleks had been absent for some time. Of course, it didn't help that originally Resurrection of the Daleks was to have closed season 20. Industrial action meant that this story was shelved in favour of the twentieth anniversary special. Unlike Shada, Resurrection of the Daleks was not an incomplete story destined never to be completed. Instead, it was included among the stories for season 21. Like everyone else, I eagerly awaited the return of the Daleks.

Although I enjoyed the story I wasn't as keen on it as I had been with Eric Saward's previous stories. While she was better than I expected, Chloe Ashcroft seemed miscast. There has been some fuss about Leslie Grantham appearing in this story to be honest I found his performance unremarkable at the time and still do. Terry Molloy at least buries the memories of David Gooderson's Davros but still lags way behind Michael Wisher. These aside, the story moves along at a reasonable pace. I do enjoy watching it but I have never ranked it as the best Dalek story or even one of the best stories of the series. It strikes me as strictly average with little to really put it on the map.

I will admit that I dreaded watching this story because I knew that it was Tegan's last story. As a Tegan fan I watched the story fearing that the character would be exterminated. Her departure didn't make sense at the time but years later I can now appreciate the reasons for Tegan's decision and her feelings. If only it was as easy to walk away from things that are no longer fun!

At the end of the day it is a good, roller coaster ride of a story. Sit back and enjoy it, but there are better stories - especially from the same season. If the voters at Doctor Who Magazine had made my blood boil with the results of the season 19 and season 20 surveys...then they really got under my skin with the season 21 survey. I have never ranked this story as the best of season 21 but for everyone else to think it better than The Caves of Androzani...oooh, them's fighting words!