Especially recorded to celebrate 10 seasons of Doctor Who, The Three Doctors is a fairly light story. In all honesty the only thing going for this story is the byplay between Pertwee and Troughton. Not forgetting the few moments that feature William Hartnell. All these moments make up the good parts of an otherwise vacuous story. The sparkling dialogue between the 2nd and 3rd Doctors in episode 1 is never repeated. The story itself has little to commend it yet it remains a favourite among many fans. Then again, I've seen other series palm off otherwise poor stories with nostalgia gimmicks that have also gone on to become fan favourites. It has its moments - most of them in episode 1, but overall I have always found this story quite disappointing. I cannot help but wonder what it would have been like if Hartnell had been in better health and thus able to play a more substantial role in the story. I doubt, though, that it would have made any substantial difference to such a poor story.