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- Season 2, Story 5
- 6 episodes (individual titles, run times and UK airdates shown below)
- The Web Planet (23:52) - Saturday 13 February 1965
- The Zarbi (23:16) - Saturday 20 February 1965
- Escape to Danger (22:53) - Saturday 27 February 1965
- Crater of Needles (25:45) - Saturday 6 March 1965
- The Invasion (26:05) - Saturday 13 March 1965
- The Centre (24:28) - Saturday 20 March 1965
- Author - Bill Strutton
- Producer - Verity Lambert
- Director - Richard Martin
- William Hartnell (The Doctor)
- William Russell (Ian Chesterton)
- Jacqueline Hill (Barbara Wright)
- Maureen O'Brien (Vicki)
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100% - as with the majority of Doctor Who stories released on DVD, the Restoration Team have performed brilliantly on this story. Picture and sound quality are excellent.
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- Lair of Zarbi Supremo (56:42)
William Russell reads this Zarbi short story that appeared in the very first Doctor Who Annual
- Information Text
Option to turn on/off Information Text which is displayed during video playback of the story.
- Doctor Who Annual - PDF's
A PDF copy of the very first Doctor Who Annual - accesible via PC/MAC computer. Seventy-nine pages which comprises the outer covers, inner covers, contents, full stories and two articles.
- Give-a-Show Slides
A reproduction of a set of slides depicting a condensed version of The Web Planet - originally for projecting on a wall, here is a chance to view them.
- Tales of Isop (37:51)
Featurette on The Web Planet includes interviews with Verity Lambert, William Russell, Richard Martin, Maureen O'Brien, Martin Jarvis, Sonia Markham and John Wood,
- Photo Gallery (6:45)
A compilation of images from the story, from behind the scenes, and a few candid shots .
- Audio Options: Commentary - William Russell, Verity Lambert, Richard Martin and Martin Jarvis
Option to turn on/off commentary during playback of main feature.
- Audio Options: Alternative Spanish Sound Track Episode 6
As titled.
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A powerful force draws the TARDIS of its course and brings the ship down on the planet of Vortis. The Doctor and Ian set out to explore the immediate area: on their journey they discover acid pools and stinging webs for the unwary.
Not feeling the best, Vicki catches up on some sleep. While Vicki sleeps some force takes control of Barbara, making her leave the ship. She encounters the Menoptera, a butterfly-like race who once ruled the planet of Vortis, the world to which the TARDIS has been brought. Their enemy is the once docile ant-like Zarbi.
What power brought the TARDIS to Vortis and has made the Zarbi so aggresive? What controls the web fortess that is spreading gradually across the whole planet? Will it be possible to unite the Menoptera in the struggle to regain their own planet?
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(d) D.S.Carlin
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