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- Season 10, Story 2
- 4 episodes (run times and UK airdates shown below)
- (24:50) - Saturday 27 January 1973
- (24:18) - Saturday 3 February 1973
- (24:52) - Saturday 10 February 1973
- (24:13) - Saturday 17 February 1973
- Author - Robert Holmes
- Producer & Director - Barry Letts
- Jon Pertwee (The Doctor)
- Katy Manning (Jo Grant)
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The picture quality is generally excellent. The sound quality is excellent. Overall, I would rate sound and picture quality at 95%. Once again, thumbs up to the work of the BBC Restoration Team.
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- Extended and Deleted Scenes (3:54)
A selection of scenes, some of which were featured in the Australian broadcast of the story and in the original UK VHS release.
- Director's Amended Ending (1:19)
Ending where Vorg and Pletrac stop to watch the TARDIS dematerialise.
- Five Faces of Doctor Who (4:10)
BBC 2 Trailer for special repeat screenings in November 1981 of Doctor Who stories to demonsrate the five faces of the Doctor: Logopolis, Carnival of Monsters, The Krotons, An Unearthly Child and The Three Doctors.
- Delaware Opening Titles (1:23)
Opening and closing titles for Episode Two but with a revised arrangement of the theme (ultimately not used although it did feature on the edit sent to Australia and appeared on the UK VHS video release of Carnival of Monsters and Frontier in Space.
- Visual Effects Test Film (4:22)
Test footage of 1) a Drashig tearing through the Miniscope wall, 2) Ship landing on Inter Minor, 3) a Drashig in the swamp, 4) a Drashig tearing through the Miniscope wall.
- Photo Gallery (1:52)
A selection of stills from Carnival of Monsters, stills of Katy Manning and Barry Letts recording the commentary, and selected sketches by Frank Bellamy
- Information Text
The option to turn on or off story information displayed on screen during video playback.
- Behind the Scenes (1:44)
Featurette on the filming of Carnival of Monsters
- TARDIS cam No.2 (0:46)
Short Fictionlab CG film of the TARDIS dematerialising, travelling through the vortex and finally rematerialising - originally available as a webcast on BBCi.
- Audio Options: Commentary - Katy Manning and Barry Letts
Option to turn on or off audio commentary during video playback.
- CSO Demo (3:08)
A demonstration of CSO (colour separation overlay - known as Cromakey in the US) and the advantages it would have for a series like Doctor Who eg superimposing the actors on a model rather than building a huge set.
- Easter Egg
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Now that his exile has been rescinded the Doctor is free to roam the universe. However, the TARDIS does not arrive on Metebelis 3, the fabulous blue planet of the Acteon galaxy as promised. Instead, the Doctor and Jo find themselves on the SS Bernice, a ship sailing on the Indian Ocean in 1926. In addition to the crew, the ship's complement includes two passengers - Major Daly and his daughter, Clare - all on their way to Bombay. Jo tries to convince the Doctor that he simply cannot control the TARDIS, but he insists that they are not on Earth.
The appearance of a prehistoric creature adds weight to the Doctor's argument. When the people on the ship begin repeating their actions of minutes before, Jo must concede that nothing is as it seems. A hatch outside a cabin, invisible to the crew, offers the chance of finding an answer to the mystery. The Doctor returns to the TARDIS to pick up a device which should enable him to open that hatch. As the Doctor emerges from the TARDIS, a giant hand appears from the sky and takes it away, stranding the Doctor and Jo on the SS Bernice. Now they have no choice but to open the hatch and discover what lies beyond.
Meanwhile, Vorg and Shirna, two travelling Lurman performers arrive on the planet of Inter Minor. They intend to put on a show but a tribunal consisting of chairman Pletrac, Kalik and Orum must decide whether or not to permit the Lurmans to remain on the planet or to send them on their way. Kalik resents the policies of his brother, Zarb - ruler of the planet. Previously Inter Minor had been a quarantined world, the consequence of some infection, possibly alien in origin. Emerging from a lengthy period of isolation the planet is only just opening its borders and the Lurmans are the first visitors. In them, Kalik sees an opportunity to overthrow his brother. Could he find a use other than entertainment for Vorg's miniscope, a device containing miniaturised environments?
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(d) D.S.Carlin
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