See below a list of Easter Eggs (hidden features on DVDs) that either I have found myself or by someone else (duly credited). Any DVD not shown here it is either because I have not found an Easter Egg or I do not have that particular story on DVD yet. So if you spot an omission let me know and I will insert it and assign credit duly. Any without a credit are Easter Egs I have found myself.
DVD Title |
Where To Find the Easter Egg |
What Is It? |
Run Time |
The Aztecs | 1) Select Special Features; 2) Go to Intro Sequences; 3) Go to the Left - Doctor Who logo will appear; 4) Select | A short introduction which states that the following film is Distributed by BBC tv Enterprises. | 0:13 |
The Dalek Invasion of Earth DISC TWO | 1) Go to Talking Daleks; 2) Go to the Left - Doctor Who logo will appear; 3) Select | Mock footage of the Slyther attacking | 0:28 |
1) Go to Photo Gallery; 2) Go to the Left - Doctor Who logo will appear; 3) Select | Mock footage of Sid the Slyther waiting for a date. | 0:47 | |
The War Machines | 1) Go to Episode Selection; 2) Press or continue to the right past Episode 2 ; 3) Doctor Who logo will appear; 4) Select | Silent sequence from end of Episode 3 complete with operators rushing on set to stop the war machine. | 1:04 |
Lost in Time | DISC ONE 1) Once the menu has loaded, wait for about 10 seconds - watch the circles around the Hartnell head shot. When the inner circle pauses, with the arrow pointing up, go up to the Doctor Who logo; 2) Select | Test card followed by time code card for Serial P (The Crusade) Episode 3: The Wheel of Fortune, plus countdown to start of the episode | 0:30 |
DISC TWO 1) Once the menu has loaded, wait for about 10 seconds - watch the circles around the Troughton head shot. When the inner circle pauses, with the arrow pointing up, go up to the Doctor Who logo; 2) Select | The Fraser Hines introduction to The Underwater Menace Episode 3, take from The Missing Years VHS release. | 0:36 | |
The Tomb of the Cybermen | 1) From PLAY ALL, go up; 2) Doctor Who logo will light up; 3) Select | Clean opening title sequence for the Patrick Troughton era. | 0:38 |
1) From PLAY ALL, go up; 2) Go right 3 times - each image should have a Cyberhelmet superimposed over it; 3) Go left 4 times - a green ring will appear around the image of Patrick Troughton; 4)Select | A short sequence from episode 3 of The Tomb of the Cybermen demonstrating how it would have looked if the VidFIRE process had been available at the time this story was being mastered for DVD. It is the scene where the Doctor and Victoria are having a quiet chat. | 2:30 | |
1) Audio Options; 2) Go to the Left - Doctor Who logo will appear; 3) Select | Audio only of the trailer for the following adventure, The Abominable Snowmen. | 0:52 | |
The Mind Robber | 1) Arrow down to EPISODE SELECTION; 2) Arrow LEFT - Doctor Who logo will appear; 3) Select. | Continuity announcements from the BBC2 repeat screening in 1992. | 2:06 |
The Seeds of Death DISC TWO | 1) Go to TARDIS CAM NO.5; 2) Go left - Doctor Who logo will appear; 3)Select | A glimpse behind the scenes of recording the commentary as Frazer Hines, Wendy Padbury, Terrance Dicks and Michael Ferguson watch the start of episode 6. | 0:59 |
Spearhead from Space | 1) From PLAY ALL go left; 2) Doctor Who is highlighted in top left hand corner; 3)Select | Different version of the Jon Pertwee opening titles | 0:45 |
Inferno DISC TWO | 1) From DELETED SCENE go left; 2) Doctor Who is highlighted in top left hand corner; 3)Select | Clean opening titles for Inferno including the lava field background | 1:02 |
Carnival of Monsters | 1) Go to SPECIAL FEATURES; 2) Go to DELAWARE OPENING TITLES; 3) Go to the left - Doctor Who logo will appear; 4) Select | Clean (ie no credits, story title etc) opening titles for the Jon Pertwee era (1970-1973). | 0:44 |
The Green Death | 1) From PLAY ALL go left - Doctor Who logo will appear; 2) Select | Original BBC 1 continuity announcements from 1973 plus announcements from 1994 repeat screening on BBC 2. | 4:10 |
The Ark in Space | Let the end credits of Episode 4 roll through to the end, then wait as there is something after the end titles... | Just a short snippet of Tom Baker fooling around. | 0:15 |
1) Select SPECIAL FEATURES; 2) Go to TOM BAKER INTERVIEW; 3) Go left - Doctor Who logo will appear; 4) Select | Short message from Tom Baker about Doctor Who exhibition in Blackpool. | 0:15 | |
Pyramids of Mars | 1) Go to SPECIAL FEATURES; 2) On second page of SPECIAL FEATURES, go to OH MUMMY; 3) Go to the left - Doctor Who will appear; 4) Select | Continuity announcements from the end of Planet of Evil Episode 4 plus announcements from the 1975 BBC 1 and the 1994 BBC 2 repeat screenings of Pyramids of Mars | 2:27 |
The Brain of Morbius | 1) Go to SPECIAL FEATURES; 2) On the first page go to Set Tour; 3) Go to the left - Doctor Who will appear; 4) Select | Viewer letter of complaint to Robin Bland and reply letter from Robert Holmes. | 1:14 |
The Hand of Fear | Select the DOCTOR WHO logo in the top left hand corner of the main menu | Interview with Elisabeth Sladen about her departure from Doctor Who, shown on BBC magazine show Nationwide | 1:41 |
The Talons of Weng Chiang Disc 2 | 1) Go to 2nd page of the disc; 2) Go to TRAILS AND CONTINUITY; 3) Go left - Doctor Who logo appears; 4) Select | Clean (ie no credits) opening titles from the Tom Baker era (1974-1980) | 0:42 |
Horror of Fang Rock | 1) On the Special Features menu, go down to The Antique Doctor Who Show; 2) Go left - Doctor Who logo appears; 3) Select | Time clock for Episode 3 of Horror of Fang Rock | 0:11 |
The Invasion of Time DISC TWO | 1) On the second screen, go down to Radio Times Listing; 2) Go to the left of this the Doctor Who logo appears; 3) select. | Colin Mapson discusses the design and operation of the Crown of Rassilon used by the Time Lords to access the Matrix. | 1:05 |
Destiny of the Daleks | 1) Select Special Features Option; 2) On the second screen, go to the left of Audio Options - the Doctor Who logo appears; 3) select. | Time Clocks from the first takes of each of the four episodes. Note the Daleks drawn on each of the clock boards. | 0:24 |
City of Death | Disc One Let the end credits of Episode 4 roll through to the end, then wait as there is something after the end titles... | Continuity announcement for the new adventure starting the following Saturday, Creature from the Pit. | 0:18 |
Disc Two 1) Go left from Paris in the Springtime; 2) Go left - Doctor Who logo appears; 3) Select | HitchHiker-esque e-sales brochure demonstrating the Mk III Jagoroth Battlecruiser | 2:02 | |
1) Go left from Prehistoric Landscapes; 2) Go left - Doctor Who logo appears; 3) Select | Interview with Douglas Adams | 6:33 | |
1) Go left from Photo Gallery; 2) Go left - Doctor Who logo appears; 3) Select | An alternate take of the Dr Gowel scene from Eye on...Blatchford. | 1:43 | |
1) Go left from Subtitles; 2) Go left - Doctor Who logo appears; 3) Select | BBC vt in-house skit featuring Tom Baker & John Cleese | 0:18 | |
The Leisure Hive | 1) Go to EPISODE SELECTION; 2) Go left - Doctor Who logo should appear; 3) Select | Original 1980 BBC 1 Continuity announcements for The Leisure Hive, also includes advert for Doctor Who postcards NB includes final scenes from each episode which may act as spoilers. | 3:36 |
The Visitation | 1) Select Special Features; 2) Go to second set of features; 3) Select Writing A Final Visitation; 4) Go to the Left - Doctor Who logo will appear; 5) Select | Continuity announcements for each of the four episodes. | 1:28 |
Black Orchid | 1) Select Special Features Option; 2) On the second screen, go to the left of Points of View - the Doctor Who logo appears; 3) select. | BBC 1 continuity announcements for Black Orchid including a reminder to viewers about the subtitling service available on the BBC's television text service, Ceefax. | 0:50 |
Earthshock | 1) Select Special Features; 2) Go to 40th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION; 3) Go to the left - Doctor Who logo should appear; 4) Select | Sketch from BBC 2 comedy show Real McCoy - continuity announcement for up and coming BBC shows especially dubbed for Jamaican television, specifically Earthshock. | 1:00 |
The Five Doctors (25th Anniversary DVD release) | DISC ONE 1) Select Audio Options; 2) Go down to Companions Commentary; 3) Go to the left of this the Doctor Who logo appears; 4) select. | This launches a commentary featuring Phil Collinson, David Tennant and Helen Raynor. | 1:30:23 |
DISC TWO 1) Select Special Features; 2) On the second screen, go down to Nationwide; 3) Go to the left of this the Doctor Who logo appears; 4) select. | BBC Logo which is then caught up in the Time Scoop and a caption appears announcing The Five Doctors Special Edition Presented in Dolby Surround. (I think this was from the BBC Video release from the mid-90s). | 0:22 | |
Resurrection of the Daleks | 1) Select SPECIAL FEATURES; 2) Go to BBC TRAILER; 3) Go left - Doctor Who logo should appear; 4) Select | Timecard for Episode 2 of Resurrection of the Daleks. | 0:14 |
1) Select SPECIAL FEATURES, go to 2nd page; 2) Go to PHOTO GALLERY; 3) Go left - Doctor Who logo should appear; 4) Select | Clean (ie no credits) opening & closing titles from the Peter Davison era. | 2:08 | |
1) Arrow down to SPECIAL FEATURES; 2) Arrow to the left - Doctor Who logo will appear; 3) Select. | Continuity announcements from the original BBC 1 broadcasts of: the concluding episode of Vengeance on Varos; the first episode of The Mark of the Rani; and the second episode of The Mark of the Rani. | 1:39 | |
DISC ONE | 1) Arrow down to EPISODE SELECTION; 2) Arrow to the left - Doctor Who logo will appear; 3) Select. | Clean opening and closing credits for Season 22, Colin Baker episodes. | 2:00 |
1) Arrow down to EPISODE SELECTION; 2) Arrow to the left - Doctor Who logo will appear; 3) Select. | A short compilation of some of the cast re-recording their lines for the 5.1 audio track | 0:48 | |
Ghost Light | 1) Select SPECIAL FEATURES; 2) Go to WRITERS QUESTION TIME; 3) Go to the LEFT - DOCTOR WHO logo should appear; 4) Select | BBC 1 Continuity Announcements | 3:34 |
The Curse of Fenric | DISC ONE 1) Select SPECIAL FEATURES; 2) Go to CLAWS AND EFFECT; 3) Go left - Doctor Who logo should appear; 4) Select | Continuity announcements for the original BBC 1 screenings of The Curse of Fenric. | 1:49 |
DISC TWO 1) Go to RECUTTING THE RUNES; 2) Go left - Doctor Who logo should appear; 3) Select | Mark Ayres talking about his approach to creating the score for The Curse of Fenric. | 6:11 | |
Doctor Who (The TV Movie) | 1) From PLAY MOVIE go left - Doctor Who logo in top left hand corner should light up; 2) Select | The Jon Pertwee dedication which appeared on the original BBC 1 broadcast of Doctor Who (The TV Movie). | 0:06 |