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- Season 2, Story 2
- 6 episodes (individual titles, run times and UK airdates shown below)
- World's End (23:45) - Saturday 21 November 1964
- The Daleks (24:24) - Saturday 28 November 1964
- Day of Reckoning (26:50) - Saturday 5 December 1964
- The End of Tomorrow (23:25) - Saturday 12 December 1964
- The Waking Ally (24:33) - Saturday 19 December 1964
- Flashpoint (25:31) - Saturday 26 December 1964
- Author - Terry Nation
- Producer - Verity Lambert
- Director - Richard Martin
- William Hartnell (The Doctor)
- William Russell (Ian Chesterton)
- Jacqueline Hill (Barbara Wright)
- Carole Ann Ford (Susan)
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The picture quality is generally good, slight video noise but nothing that detracts from the viewing experience. The BBC Restoration Team have also used the VidFIRE process to restore the print to how it would have looked on original broadcast.
The new effects footage (see DVD Extras for further information) blends in seamlessly.
The sound quality is excellent.
Overall, you would think this story had been recorded within the past few years and not in 1964 and so I would have no hesitation in giving this DVD 95% for its sound and picture quality.
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DISC ONE (All 6 episodes plus a few features)
- CGI Effects Sequences
This feature allows the viewer to turn on/off updated effects scenes - there are only a few anyway, such as the Dalek ships flying over London and a view out over the ruins of London.
- BBC1 Trailers (1:43)
As titled
- Commentary: William Russell, Carole Ann Ford, Verity Lambert and Richard Martin
Option to turn on/off commentary.
- Information Text
Option to turn on/off Information Text which is displayed during video playback of the story.
DISC TWO (Features Only Disc)
- Future Visions (17:48)
Interview with Spencer Chapman about the design work on The Dalek Invasion of Earth
- Future Memories (45:22)
Interviews with Ann Davies (Jenny), Bernard Kay (Tyler), Peter Fraser (David), Nicholas Smith (Wells), Nick Evans (Slyther/Dalek operator) and David Graham (Dalek voice), plus video footage of Peter Hawkins (Dalek voice), audio footage of Robert Jewell (Dalek operator)
- Talking Daleks (10:30)
Interview with David Graham, David Hodgson (BBC Radiophonic Workshop), Nicholas Smith, plus video footage of Peter Hawkins
- Now and Then (6:58)
A comparison of the locations used in 1964 with how they look now (2002/2003).
- Script to Screen (6:02)
A demonstration of how the story was filmed by showing the script, camera movements, studio plan and footage
- Blue Peter (7:03)
Valerie Singleton shows viewers how to make edible Daleks (cakes, sandwiches etc).
- Whatever Happened to Susan? (27:30)
Audio only - a BBC Radio Play starring Jane Asher as Susan Foreman, recalling her younger days.
- Rehearsal Film (1:42)
Film taken by Carole Ann Ford during the film of episode 6, double exposed, but a unique look behind the scenes of Doctor Who.
- Photo Gallery (3:46)
A compilation of images from the story, from behind the scenes, from the commentary line-up and from promotional material.
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Their travels with the Doctor have taken Ian and Barbara to different times and different worlds. Now it seems he has finally brought them home. Except that London seems a lot quieter than it should be and there seems to be an air of disuse about the area under the bridge where they have materialised. Attempting to get a better view of their surroundings, Susan upsets an unsafe section of the bridge. Susan injures her ankle, but the real damage is done when the collapsing material bars their access to the TARDIS.
Barbara remains with Susan to tend to the young woman's ankle, while the Doctor and Ian go over to a nearby warehouse in search of some cutting gear. There they find a calendar dated 2164 and the body of a man, his head enclosed by some kind of communications device. As the Doctor and Ian emerge from the warehouse they see a spaceship coming in to land. They return to the TARDIS but there is no trace of Barbara or Susan. A patrol arrives forcing Ian and the Doctor to try and escape via the river. Their route is blocked by the appearance of an old foe - a Dalek.
Susan and Barbara have been found by members of a resistance cell who offer them food and shelter in exchange for work on tools and materials to be used in the fight against the Daleks. The Daleks may have invaded Earth, they may have enslaved some humans, and there are those who are simply looking out for themselves, but there are those determined to put up a fight and take back their world.
Learning of a massive Dalek mining operation in Bedfordshire, the travellers make their own way there determined to find out the secret for which the Daleks are searching. Can they possibly succeed in defeating the Daleks once again?
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(d) D.S.Carlin
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