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- Season 14, Story 2
- 4 episodes (run times and UK airdates shown below)
- (24:51) - Saturday 2 October 1976
- (24:50) - Saturday 9 October 1976
- (24:25) - Saturday 16 October 1976
- (25:03) - Saturday 23 October 1976
- Authors - Bob Baker & Dave Martin
- Producer - Philip Hinchcliffe
- Director - Lennie Mayne
- Tom Baker (The Doctor)
- Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith)
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Picture & sound quality: 100%
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- Changing Time (Living and Leaving Doctor Who) (50:27)
A documentary about the working on and leaving Doctor Who specifically relating to Elisabeth Sladen's time as Sarah Jane Smith in the series
- Continuities (1:24)
BBC 1 continuity announcement from the end of The Masque of Mandragora and The Hand of Fear, also includes promotion for the Doctor Who exhibition.
- Swap Shop (10:55)
Sequence from Saturday morning BBC children's magazine show Multi Coloured Swap Shop broadcast 2 October 1976. Noel Edmonds talks to Tom Baker and Elisabeth Sladen.
- Photo Gallery (5:07)
Selection of stills from The Hand of Fear
- Commentary - Tom Baker, Elisabeth Sladen, Judith Paris, Philip Hinchcliffe & Bob Baker
The option to turn on or off audio commentary during video playback.
- Information Text
The option to turn on or off story information displayed during video playback.
- Doctor Who Annual
Doctor Who annual in PDF.
- Radio Times Billings British TV guide billings in PDF.
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The Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith emerge from the TARDIS in the middle of some desolate landscape. The sound of a warning siren alerts them to the fact that an explosion is about to occur. Unable to reach the safety of the TARDIS, both are caught in the debris from the explosion. A rescue team unearths the Doctor and then Sarah: the latter clutching what appears to be a fossilised hand.
Sarah makes an amazing recovery at the hospital, however, it would that the hand is controlling her and directs her to a nearby nuclear power station. There, she initiates a meltdown, all the time muttering that "Eldrad must live."
Can the Doctor save Sarah? Can he stop the reactor from reaching critical mass? And who is Eldrad?
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(d) D.S.Carlin
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