Front sleeve for the Region 2 DVD release of Doctor Who: Revelation of the Daleks

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Picture and sound quality are both excellent. There is an option to upgrade the soundtrack to 5.1 audio and an option to watch the story with new, updated effects (for example, overlaying previous laser gun effects, making the beam more intense): these are equally excellent and it is down to viewer choice as to which version of Revelation of the Daleks to watch.

Note, that owing to copyright issues certain pieces of music used in the broadcast story have been replaced for the DVD release. For anyone, like myself, who had initial problems getting the DVD to play (at chapter 3 of episode 1 it gets stuck in a loop) - the solution is to go the main menu, turn on the CGI effects (and turn them off again if you want to watch the original video effects) and then play the episode as normal - it should now play without a hitch!

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The Doctor and Peri have arrived on the periphery of Tranquil Repose, a place where the wealthy and the powerful are kept in cryogenic storage in the hope that one day a cure will be found for the fatal disease/illness afflicting them. The time travellers are there to look into the reason why Arthur Stengos has become a resident of Tranquil Repose. The man that the Doctor knew was not the sort to artificially extend his life. During their journey into Tranquil Repose, the Doctor and Peri encounter a mutant who warns them about The Great Healer.

The Great Healer, AKA Davros, assists Kara in the production of a protein-rich food substitute which is helping the less well-off from tipping over into famine-ravished poverty. All very humanitarian, yet Kara wants control of it all for herself and has hired a former Knight of the Grand Order of Oberon to assassinate Davros. Can they get past Davros' special guards, Daleks?

Tranquil Repose itself is being prepared for the arrival of the President: his wife is being placed into cryogenic storage. The Great Healer's special guards are patrolling the corridors of Tranquil Repose. Despite the Dalek presence, two people sneak in: the object of their snooping is Arthur Stengos. His body is not where it should be and as they penetrate further into Tranquil Repose a series of horrifying secrets is revealed.

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(d) D.S.Carlin

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