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- Season 10, Story 1
- 4 episodes (run times and UK airdates shown below)
- (24:35) - Saturday 30 December 1972
- (24:21) - Saturday 6 January 1973
- (24:25) - Saturday 13 January 1973
- (25:08) - Saturday 20 January 1973
- Authors - Bob Baker & Dave Martin
- Producer - Barry Letts
- Director - Lennie Mayne
- Jon Pertwee (The 3rd Doctor)
- Patrick Troughton (The 2nd Doctor)
- William Hartnell (The 1st Doctor)
- Nicholas Courtney (Brigadier Alastair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart)
- Katy Manning (Jo Grant)
- John Levene (Sgt Benton)
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The picture quality is generally excellent; there is very minor video noise but nothing really distracting. The sound quality is excellent. Overall, I would rate the sound and picture quality at 95%.
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- 40th Anniversary Celebration (3:00)
The video trailer celebrating 40 years of Doctor Who with remixed theme by Orbital
- Pebble Mill At One (20:44)
Excerpt from a 1970s afternoon magazine programme featuring interviews with John Friedlander and Patrick Troughton
- Blue Peter (13:40)
Jon Pertwee drops by the Blue Peter studio to show off the "Alien" (aka the Whomobile), also features a look at 10 years of Doctor Who
- BSB Highlights (10:15)
Interviews with Terrance Dicks, Nicholas Courtney, Dave Martin, Bob Baker, John Nathan-Turner, Jon Pertwee on Galaxy, a BSB channel celebrating 31 years of Doctor Who
- Panopticon '93 (29:45)
Footage from the Panopticon 1993 Convention with Jon Pertwee, Katy Manning & Nicholas Courtney
- Five Faces of Doctor Who Trail (4:12)
BBC 2 Trailer for special repeat screenings in November 1981 of Doctor Who stories to demonsrate the five faces of the Doctor: Logopolis, Carnival of Monsters, The Krotons, An Unearthly Child and The Three Doctors.
- Information Text
Option to turn on or off story information displayed during video playback
- Commentary: Katy Manning, Nicholas Courtney & Barry Letts
Option to turn on or off audio commentary during video playback
- Photo Gallery (3:56)
A selection of stills from The Three Doctors
- BBC 1 Trail (0:49)
The original BBC 1 trailer for the first episode of The Three Doctors, featuring the proposed 10th season version of the theme.
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Dr Tyler reclaims his cosmic ray measuring device from a nature reserve. Of Hollis, the man who contacted him about the device, there is no sign. Going to UNIT, Tyler shows the Doctor some images collected by the device. The images show what the Doctor refers to as "compressed light", a beam which seems to be travelling faster than light and is directed at Earth. Investigating the site where the device landed the Doctor discovers traces of anti-matter. He and Jo return to UNIT where they are attacked by an energy creature. They manage to get back to the lab only to discover that Tyler has also vanished and his device has now collected an image of Hollis trapped in the beam of compressed light.
The energy creature attacks again forcing the Doctor, Jo and Benton to take refuge in the TARDIS. Trapped, the Doctor reluctantly asks his people, the Time Lords, for help. However, the Time Lords are also under attack. A black hole, the source of the compressed light, is draining their power reserves. Unable to send any of their number to assist the Doctor a decision is made to allow the Doctor to help himself, literally.
The 2nd Doctor arrives in the TARDIS and explains the situation facing the Time Lords. The two Doctors cannot agree on a way to sort out the problem. Seeing this, the Time Lords use what little energy remains to send the 1st Doctor along. Due to the low energy reservse the 1st Doctor can only advise his other selves. Now the three Doctors must unite to solve the mystery of the compressed light and its apparant actions against the Time Lords.
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(d) D.S.Carlin
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