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- Season 15, Story 1
- 4 episodes (run times and UK airdates shown below)
- (24:12) - Saturday 3 September 1977
- (24:11) - Saturday 10 September 1977
- (23:12) - Saturday 17 September 1977
- (23:49) - Saturday 24 September 1977
- Author - Terrance Dicks
- Producer - Graham Williams
- Director - Paddy Russell
- Tom Baker (The Doctor)
- Louise Jamieson (Leela)
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Its almost monotonous - the BBC Restoration Team have performed an excellent transfer to DVD. Both picture and sound quality are excellent. There is nothing to show that 27 years separate the original production and this release - it looks as good as new.
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- Terrance Dicks: Fact and Fiction (36:06)
Feature on Terrance Dick's career on and after Doctor Who. Includes interviews with Terrance Dicks, Barry Letts, Louis Marks, Peter Darvill-Evans, Brenda Gardner, Paul Cornell, Christopher Barry and Eric Saward.
- Paddy Russell: A life in Television (14:04)
Feature on Paddy Russell's career in television including her contribution to Doctor Who
- The Antique Doctor Who Show (4:47)
Vignette broadcast on BBC1 in 1993 as part of the 30th anniversary celebrations. The feature looks at Doctor Who collectibles.
- Information Text
The option to turn on or off story information displayed during video playback.
- Photo Gallery (3:27)
A selection of stills and storyboards from Horror of Fang Rock
- Audio Options - Commentary: Louise Jamieson, John Abbott and Terrance Dicks
The option to turn on or off audio commentary during video playback
- Easter Egg
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Three lighthouse keepers prepare for another evening's work. Vince, the youngest, watches a streak of light as it falls from the sky and into the sea. Soon after, a strange fog encompases the local sea and the isle upon which the lighthouse stands. The electricity that powers the light begins to behave oddly. Ben, the head lighthouse keeper invtesigates but is killed by something hiding in the coal cellar.
The Doctor and Leela have fallen short of their planned visit to Brighton. Curious about the dim lighthouse, the travellers are caught up by the events that unfold. With the electricity continuing to act erratically the light fails and a ship crashes upon Fang Rock. The survivors are brought into the lighthouse. It is not long before they find themselves at the mercy of a hostile alien that is killing them one by one.
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(d) D.S.Carlin
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