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- Season 6, Story 2
- 5 episodes (run times and UK airdates shown below)
- (21:21) - Saturday 14 September 1968
- (21:38) - Saturday 21 September 1968
- (19:29) - Saturday 28 September 1968
- (19:09) - Saturday 5 October 1968
- (18:00) - Saturday 12 October 1968
- Author - Peter Ling
- Producer - Peter Bryant
- Director - David Maloney
- Patrick Troughton (The Doctor)
- Fraser Hines (Jamie)
- Wendy Padbury (Zoë Herriot)
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100%The picture quality is excellent: the Restoration Team have used the VIDFire process to recreate the image as it would have been on its original 1968 TV broadcast. On the downside, the studio background is much more clear now than ever before. One of the few times when lower picture quality represents a plus factor. Of course, it doesn't detract from the power of the story.
The sound quality is excellent too.
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- Basil Brush Segment (10:28)
A lengthy sketch from a 1970s edition of the classic Saturday afternoon BBC1 series The Basil Brush Show (which usually preceded Doctor Who). In this sketch, Basil and Mr Roy are climbing in the Himalayas. During a stopver they have a run in with a Yeti (using the costume from the Patrick Troughton adventures).
- Information Text
The option to turn on or off story information displayed during video playback.
- The Fact of Fiction (34:58)
Interviews with Frazer Hines, Wendy Padbury, Hamish Wilson, Christopher Robbie, David Maloney, Peter Ling, Derrick Sherwin and Evan Hercules about their time on The Mind Robber.
- Highlander (22:30)
Frazer Hines recalls his time on Doctor Who and some of his other work.
- Audio Options - Commentary: Frazer Hines, Wendy Padbury, David Maloney & Hamish Wilson
The option to turn on or off audio commentary during video playback
- Photo Gallery (6:53)
A selection of stills.
- Easter Egg
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After a battle against the Dominators, the Doctor and his companions take refuge from a lava flow. When his companions express concern that the TARDIS defences might not be sufficient protection against the lava flow, the Doctor uses an emergency system to remove the TARDIS from space and time. Finding themselves in a white void that seems to be nowhere and no time, the travellers take the chance to relax and repair the TARDIS. However, other forces begin to manifest themselves and very soon the travellers must battle against fictional characters and the mysterious master who manipulates them.
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(d) D.S.Carlin
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