Front sleeve for the Region 2 DVD release of Doctor Who: Resurrection of the Daleks

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The picture quality is excellent: 100%. Certain flaws from the original broadcast have been corrected (namely the section at the start of the first episode when Lytton returns to the Dalek ship). As with the video release, the DVD has been released as a four-episode story. This was the original intention, but the scheduling of the Winter Olympics meant that either the story would have to be postponed for three weeks or recut as two fifty minute episodes. It made for an interesting way to watch the story but I must admit that I don't mind watching the story as it was intended.
The sound quality is excellent - there is a choice to watch the story as it was broadcast or with digitally enhanced sound in 5.1 surround.

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Two men emerge from a warehouse near the London docks. Seconds later, more emerge quickly followed by three policemen. The policemen gun down most of the refugees and then activate a device which transports the bodies back to a spaceship. One of the policemen transports himself back to the ship as it continues en route to a rendezvous with a space station. The other two policemen resume their beat as if nothing had happened, watched by the first two men who had emerged from the warehouse. Their investigation of the warehouse reduces their number to one man: he later watches as a small group of armed soldiers arrives at the warehouse.

The TARDIS is being buffeted by the forces of the time corridor within which it is trapped. The Doctor manages to break the TARDIS free and it materialises at one end of the time corridor - near some warehouses along the London docks. It is not long before the Doctor discovers that the Daleks are responsible for the time corridor. At the other end, the Daleks and a group of mercenaries have arrived at their target - the space station where Davros, creator of the Daleks, is being imprisoned.

As people disappear and are replaced with replicas it remains to be seen why the Daleks have returned for their creator and what their ultimate plans are.

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(d) D.S.Carlin

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